Thursday 9 December 2021


You take my flesh in hand and start to score.
You press with gentle force to mark a seam.
You know the path, you’ve traced its route before:
this armour guards a softness, lush as dreams.

This task takes patience, time, and outright skill;
first layer gone and now the harder part:
a thin, tight membrane keeps you from your fill,
so lift the bitter, taste my sweeter heart.

The air sings, tartly, beckoning your tongue;
and busy fingers blush, juice running free.
Impediments are done, the feast’s begun;
my core surrendered, you devouring me.

The fresh scent lingers, memories kept real;
ripe flesh is worth the challenge of the peel.

This sonnet was written as part of #NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) 2017. It's one of my traditions to try to write a #sonnet every April. This has since shifted as, 2019, I often write 7 sonnets every February, as part of the #28SonnetsLater challenge. You can see previous attempts of mine during NaPoWriMo on my dedicated blog. And this sketch is another colour piece! I'm clearly enjoying the challenge. Usually later in the process than with black-and-white sketches, it must be said... 

A mildy impressionistic digital drawing of a small orange sitting on a plain surface, utilising highly saturated colours. The peel on the front half of the orange has been peeled down to lie in three curving flaps; the rest of the peel remains around the orange, including a kind of cap of peel. The central segment of the orange has been pulled away to reveal the dark, hollow interior of the fruit, while the rest of the segments remain in place. A few drops of moisture cling to the top of the orange and within the open section. If one were a suggestible person, one might view the pointed, upright oval space with something firm yet juicy just drawing back from penetrating it in a rather sensual light. As it is, this merely an orange. Of course.
Ceci est seulement une orange

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